Monday, August 28, 2006

True Dat.

So, decided I won't go a week between posts, three days seems like a very decent amount of time. Julie and I were in London this weekend, I love London, always buzzing and full of life, so big, so many thigs to do! I think I romanticise the idea of being a "londoner"but nethertheless, I still want to be one. We just hung out and chatted with Ruth and John and had coffee outside St Pauls Cathedral - so trendy. Not. (not that it wasn't cool, just that I'm not trendy)

Today was good, julie takes away my internet cable during the day now (I asked her to) and it makes them (the days, that is!) much more productive! Finished a new song, praise God, and did some practice and some general housework. Feels like I've acheived something. Might be working two night shifts next week in the A&E where I used to work which would be fun.

Question - is St Pauls cathedral Catholic or Protestant (traditionally)? We had a discussion about that but none of us really knew the answer, we just like to argue. Please leave a comment if you know.


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