Monday, March 31, 2008

Theory to Praxis

I came across this quote from T.S.Elliot whilst reading The Forgotten Ways by Alan Hirsch...

"The greatest proof of Christianity for others is not how far a man can logically analyse his reasons for believing, but how far in practice he will stake his life on his belief."

And as I read this quote and allowed it to sink through my defensive barriers of "I'm a pretty good Christian", it struck deep and convicted.

I have grown up - as I think most western, middle-class, Christians have - with a faith that is at least 80% intellectual, and that's a conservative estimate!

Another convicting moment was at our church retreat earlier this month, where we had to write down 30 names of people we know in Glasgow who are not believers in Jesus. I realised that I could not not even do that. It would be easy to point the finger at western Christianity, at Church, at my culture. But in all reality the fault lies with me, the responsibility lies squarely with me.

I'm not sure what I shall do with these two convictions, but this I DO know, I need to allow the Lordship of Jesus to permeate every aspect of my life. I need to adhere to the calling of Jesus revealed in the bible, not the diluted interpreted message that seeps through my religiousness.

We must believe that Jesus is indeed alive and really worth dying for, and if that is true, we MUST live like it. It is only through living a life FULLY under the Lordship of Jesus that we can ever expect to see our nation changed. To see awakening and revival.

We must. We must. We must.


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, how awesomely thought provoking, dude! Keep that challenge filtering through your thoughts and walk with Jesus.

I'm not sure I'd agree with your "conservative estimate" of a faith that's at least 80% intellectual. Do you mean your own personal faith? Or that of the Church in the UK? Let's talk about that.

See you when you come to London town!


3:01 PM  

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