Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Amazing Prayer Answer!

I am part of the intercession team at re:hope. We give out cards every week and people fill in prayer requests and we, well.......... pray.

This monday I shared with the team about a patient of mine whom I see every wednesday. She is very ill with end-stage lung disease from smoking. Anyway, before Christmas I got into a chat with her about my faith, it was really tough, she asked a lot of tough questions. I saw her again, for the first time after Christmas, last week and she referred back to that conversation saying "your prayers didn't work..." because she was feeling quite ill. Now I have NO recollection of having promised to pray for her, but was taken aback by what she said. So this week, on Monday, we prayed.

It was the most powerful prayer time I had been in for a while, I sensed the spirit moving powerfully, and staggered a couple of times, going all jelly-legged at the weight of God's presence in the room. I prayed a prayer asking God to do a miraculous thing by making this lady well at THAT MOMENT so that when I spoke to her today, I could tell her it was God. Now this was a big prayer for me, things like this don't seem to happen, even when I ask for them, but this time I really BELIEVED God would do it, it was an amazing prayer time.

This morning at my clinic she was the last patient (as always) which means we have time to chat. I asked her how she was feeling, "much better" she says. I then ask her when she started to feel better - she replies that it was around the beginning of the week. Monday? I ask. Yes, she says, monday I just felt much better, it must be the medicine, she says. I then explain the prayer I prayed on monday and how I believe God answered that prayer and made her feel better. She was astonished and she agreed to read Marks Gospel and tell me what she thinks.

I am BLOWN away, this has never happened to me before, I don't know who was more astonished, my patient or me! It is true, God still moves in MIRACULOUS ways and he hears the prayers of His people!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Freakin' Rad! (possibly the best week ever)

Last week was the best week of 2008 so far (not bad eh?). In fact, it probably beats every week in 2007 as well.

On Sunday 6th January, in our already freezing church, with the temps in the minuses, our jet heater broke...... Pants.

Our boiler system has been broken since we moved in - and the estimated repair costs were between £15,000 and £30,000. Then Brian states from the front of church that we WILL have heat by the following Sunday..... Oh boy. We need to pray! Anyway.... a miracle happened that week and Brian has told the story really well on his blog, read it here. Here is a picture to tantalize you!

That my friends is Glorious, our wonderful boiler that is providing heat for our church, the temperature at our last service in the main sanctuary was 21 deg C! Freakin' Rad!

Did I mention it has been cold recently? Well all that cold combined with some Scottish wet-ness resulted in a whole heap of snow falling on our beloved mountains. So on my day off on Friday, Wade and Stephen and I went up to Glencoe to do some skiing, and this is what greeted us there (click on the pictures below to see bigger versions.... you really gotta click the bottom one!)

It was an incredible day, the whole mountain was covered in powder snow which was all untouched. The first few runs of the morning were fresh tracks and seriously, if heaven is anything like this then I will be a happy man.

Last week was good, God blessed the church by showing that He continues to provide for His people against all odds. We were blessed with seeing the wonder of His creation first hand and enjoying it. It's weeks like this that just leave me lost in wonder.

All glory to God on high