Monday, August 28, 2006

True Dat.

So, decided I won't go a week between posts, three days seems like a very decent amount of time. Julie and I were in London this weekend, I love London, always buzzing and full of life, so big, so many thigs to do! I think I romanticise the idea of being a "londoner"but nethertheless, I still want to be one. We just hung out and chatted with Ruth and John and had coffee outside St Pauls Cathedral - so trendy. Not. (not that it wasn't cool, just that I'm not trendy)

Today was good, julie takes away my internet cable during the day now (I asked her to) and it makes them (the days, that is!) much more productive! Finished a new song, praise God, and did some practice and some general housework. Feels like I've acheived something. Might be working two night shifts next week in the A&E where I used to work which would be fun.

Question - is St Pauls cathedral Catholic or Protestant (traditionally)? We had a discussion about that but none of us really knew the answer, we just like to argue. Please leave a comment if you know.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Not posted for a while, and it seems that some people are crazy enough to even read this stuff! Not much has really happened since I last posted. Julie is finding work better and slightly easier and is getting home most nights pre-6pm which is nice! I did a shift in A&E in stirling on wednesday, was actually quite nice to do a bit of work, get my mind in medical mode for a little while!

Things quiet on a guitar front, not written any new songs, feeling a little dry. Progress slow and practice has been hindered this week by the need to do other things.

Julie and I are going to London this weekend to visit Ruth and John, we love them. Should be fun and will be nice to get away from glasgow for a few days. I don't know whether to ask people to pray for things on a blog, but if you read and you would like to, then please pray for a little more medical work for myself and also for some wisdom on whether or not to do a module at ICC this coming term.

Monday, August 14, 2006

First Job Offer

Work really starts in earnest this week, on both fronts!

Been practicing guitar this am, still got another 2hrs to do this avo - progress slow but steady, fingers hurting!

Medacs (locum agency) have been in contact with job offers, couldn't do most of them cause they're over weekends or I'm away on holiday (going to lake district with julie in september) but potentially got a shift in Perth Royal Infirmary next week doing medical receiving (yuk!) from 2pm to 10pm. Bit of a blow really, I was hoping for A+E shifts not general medicine! Having said that, august and sept are said to always be very dry months from a locum point of view and any work is welcome at the moment! Especially mid-week one-day shifts, exactly what I need. Here's hoping I get the job.

Julie's settling into her new job well, crazy first week aside. She seems to be enjoying her ward, getting on well with the other staff (including the nurses) and has just survived her first weekend on-call which was hectic but bearable. I'm hoping that she'll get out and socialise a bit this week so that her life isn't just work, eat, watch an episode of scrubs with me then go to bed.

Anyway, long post so I'll leave it there.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A new space

I think this is a better place to have this blog than bebo! Please see for the first two posts of this blog.
